The Middle Eastern chaps at work are forever putting their arms around each other and distributing shoulder massages, hugs, kisses and handshakes. When they come into work they often greet each other like long lost friends.
Liberal numbers of kisses are deployed on large numbers of cheeks, often accompanied by subtle slurping noises.Despite having lived here for almost four months, this behaviour continues to amuse and surprise me.
I cannot help my innate Englishness. In the West you're lucky if you get a mumbled "Good Morning" when you arrive at work. I am not used to all this male physical affection. In Riyadh I am Justin, the untouchable.
This week one of the guys was departing for a holiday. He was going to be away for a month. I anticipated some frenzied man on man action before he left. I was not to be disappointed.
I watched cautiously as he gradually kissed and hugged his way through the entire team.He was getting nearer and nearer to me.I grinned nervously.
I looked him over. He's a big man. If he gave me a bear hug I could be lost for weeks. He might board the plane for his holiday without realising I was still stuck under his arm, my muffled screams drowned out by the hum of the engines. I hoped he was going somewhere nice.
I mentally prepared myself.
He walked towards me… this was it. Stiff upper lip, old chap.…he thrust out his hand to shake mine.
No hug. No kisses for me. Not even the briefest of shoulder massages. Just a handshake.
He wasn't touching me, but his cultural sensitivity was.
To me it's still odd that holding your wife's hand in public is frowned upon out here, but being touchy feely with your male colleagues is business as usual.
I wonder what my colleagues think of me. Justin the emotional retard? Hell, maybe they're right. Perhaps, just once in the future, I'll copy their behaviour in a Western work setting somewhere. Can you imagine the responses from the Western men as I slowly kiss my way through them all? Justin the untouchable, indeed!
"Justin the Untouchable" - now that's a phrase I thought I'd never hear .... nor believe!!!
Hey in Sauid, Im untouchable. Believe me!
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