When I flew into Bahrain a month ago I remember the captain saying it was 34’C. I thought to myself “well that’s not too bad” and then I realised it was only 6.10am in the morning.
As the weeks have passed I’ve noticed that it is getting noticeably hotter and a couple of days ago the temperature topped 48’C.
To give you some idea what this is like, Imagine England during the hottest day of the summer when it’s around 35’C
Imagine that everyone has left their ovens on and that you are wearing a thick woollen jumper your Granny knitted you for Christmas.
Imagine you are outside under the red hot sun…….sitting in the middle of a forest fire!!!
This is how hot I felt 2 days ago as I waited 90 minutes to get through immigration on the causeway back to Bahrain. I thought my eyeballs were melting! My steering wheel was so hot I now have 3rd degree burns to my hands!
The airconditioning in my car just couldn't cope and was waving a white flag as I slowly sweated away half my body weight.
This isn’t even the height of summer yet!
3rd degree burns on your hands .... you sure it's the steering wheel ???
Gill, you know me so well.......
Hi Justin. Your obviously keeping your spirits up, under the baking sun. I've just spent a week leading a walking Holiday in Cornwall, which was also pretty hot, but not quite up to SA standards. Tell you all about it next time we skipe. Unfortunately, still haven't got the desktop back, though Matt (my tame geek)has managed to rescue my data (all 20 Gbytes of it). Hope to have normal service restored in a week or 2 and have skipe working.
Look after yourself. Dad x
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