I thought it would be a good idea to buy a laptop to take out to KSA so I could keep in touch with all my friends and family at home by e-mail and Skype. Being a bit of a computer games nerd, I opted to go for a top of the line, high spec laptop from Dell known in Gamer circles simply as "The Beast!"
This has cost me a fair old whack...and unfortunately, Dell have let me down. First they Promised delivery on the 10th of April which soon got put back to the 22nd of April. Ive now been told it could be as late as the 8th of May....which is the day I fly out :-(
Unfortunately, trying to get any sense out of anyone at Dells "UK service centre" is like as difficult as trying to get into Kelly Brooks knickers! Whenever I call, I'm greeted by a very polite Asian sounding voice. Unfortunatley no matter how hard I concentrate Icannot understand a single word they say. Oh, I'm sure they are speaking some form of English, but not one that I understand. I used to think Rab C Nesbitt was the most unintelligible English speaker I had ever heard. This was a guy who had to have subtitles on the TV when he was speaking English (I'm serious!), but he was easy to understand by comparison.
This is not very encouraging seeing as many of the Engineers I will be dealing with in KSA will be Pakistani. I'm hoping I wont have similar difficulties in understanding what they are saying.
I tend to end up having to pretend that I must have a bad phone connection because I cant hear them properly. Eventually, the nice people at Dell give up trying to communicate with me and end up sending an e-mail instead. And this is where things get even more mysterious.
After speaking (but not understanding) to someone called Tina for half an hour, she decided to send me an e-mail to try and justify the tardy service I was experiencing. However I noticed that the name at the bottom of her e-mail is Veena. The same thing happened another time. I was told I was speaking to a guy called Mike; which sounded a strange name for a guy with an Asian voice. When he e-mailed me later that day it was clear his name was in fact Mitran!
Hmm... I think to myself. Where exactly is this UK call Centre? London? Birmingham?....or just perhaps Mumbai?? Who can tell? I would have asked the lovely Tina/Veena, but as I wouldn't have been able to understand the reply...I thought better of it.